Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Sometimes you have to watch someone love something before you love it yourself." 
             - Blue Like Jazz

What Sign are you?

Isn't it always an interesting question when someone asks this? And, it usually doesn't matter if you believe it or not, whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, Jehovah's Witness, Justin Bieber-ist .... because chances are that you know what you "are" anyways. MY favorite part of this conversation is after I give my deep, dark secret of yes, "I'm a Sagittarius.".... The person that asks will 99.9% of the time do the following: Raise eyebrows slightly, nod slowly up and down a couple times and do something funny with their mouth like smirk or scrunch their lips...... Whether this is the way the universe is organized or not, I always wonder after they give me <<the look>>....

"Did this answer your question?"....

              "Am I cooler now?".....
                        "What were you wondering about me to ask this?"

True, we cannot help be who we are. But, I've learned from the times I've escaped my little corner of the world that influence is a strong air to breath; its fumes can be utterly intoxicating, and at times, life-alterning. So it's all about how we inhale changes and new-ness to measure the true person we want to be.... and maybe more than what 1-800-WhatsMySign tells us who we already are. 

When you stumble upon people, things, music, feelings, ideas, smells, or photos.....

..... like this for me... that make you not only want to conquer the world but probably for once make you believe you CAN - Voila! You have found your "sign" of inspiration. The kicker, though of finding inspiration is the intention of being open to it as well. SCARY STUFF. Be open and aware of other peoples' passions, dive a little deeper to see why and how they have developed such a love or devotion. Passion is contagious. For me, I've seen enough epic change in others simply through inspiration to think otherwise. Let it be true for you too, happy hunting.

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